The Difference Maker Movement was started by Kylan when he was just 9 years old, when he wanted to change the world, and when he met some very special people who believed he could. Kylan’s desire is to show others that no matter your age or income, you can make a difference to someone. It could be someone in your neighborhood, in your school, or around the world.
Now Kylan is trying to spread the word and help others to become Difference Makers. Here on this site you will find ways that you too can become a Difference Maker. You can start your own Difference Maker club at your school, or get a group of people that want to do a focused Difference Maker Day. Or if you want, you can simply buy a t-shirt where all proceeds go to Difference Maker Projects. We also want to create a space where you can share and read stories of others that are trying to make a Difference.
Helping Honduras!
Kylan had the opportunity to join a team that traveled to Honduras in June of 2016 to help a small village (in their school and community). Kylan helped take down 28 boxes of books, helped build a school, and helped build pilas for 30 families in need.
A pila is a water storage/station that a home uses for cleaning their hands, food, and clothing. It was an amazing trip. Here is a video to show all that he experienced:
Champions Against Bullying
Kylan joins some amazing people in trying to put an end to bullying. Learn about this program and these great people here.
What’s up in 2019…
Kylan returned to Uganda in July 2019 and took several close friends. The purpose of this trip was to identify some community projects that we can work on over the course of a 5 year partnership. He took over 500 lbs. of medical supplies (valued at $20,000) and took school supplies to a local school.
If you would like to help by donating, you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here